David H.M. Lambert |
Statistics |
Gender: Male |
Age: 18 and Over |
Height: 5'10 |
Weight: 240 |
Chest: 48 |
Waist: 46 |
Hips: 46 |
Shirt Size: 17.5/34 |
Shoe Size: 10D |
Inseam: 30 |
Hair Color: Red/Blonde |
Hair Length: Bald/Shaved |
Eye Color: Blue |
Film |
McAfee "Heroes" - Featured - Twist & Shout(UK)
Siemens "The Pod" - Featured - Twist & Shout (UK)
Texas Lottery - Principal - Producerz
FedEx Kinko's - VOC - AMP, Inc.
American Heart Association - VOC - Showcase Productions
Science/Engineering Magnet High School - VOC - Dallas Ind. School Dist.
YesLaw Demo - VOC - Certified Legal Texas Video
Mission Possible! - VOC - SMU
CIO Support Group - VOC - EDS
Making of "Ebenezer Scrooge" - Scrooge - Bush Productions
Carr P Collins Social Services - Featured - Salvation Army
Family Meetings - VOC - SpindleTop Productions
Television |
Texas Lottery - Principal - Producerz
iDEMAND/Major League Baseball - Principal - Hothaus Creative
Eye For An Eye - Principal - Atlas Worldwide
Oklahoma Community Health Services - Cinema Advertising - Grapevine Media
Kids & Cars - PSA - Serenipitous Films, Inc.
Albertson's "Monopoly" - Radio/TV - ivie, inc.
Insperra - Internet - Staplegun Productions
Discovery! A Seek & Find Adventure - Video Game - Mumbo Jumbo
Safari Books Online - Online Promo - Cake Mix Studios
Peterbilt Trucks - Training Video - Dark Horse Productions
Hughes Warren - Radio - Garman Productions
Michigan State Lottery - Radio/TV - AMS Production Group
SEO Marketing - VO - Lambert Studios
Techinsurance - VO - Lambert Studios
Sue Ward Realty - VO - Lambert Studios
Executive Conferencing - VO - Lambert Studios
MultiSync Hosting - VO - Lambert Studios
AutoFlex Leasing - IVR - Intelemedia Communications
D&M Auto Leasing - IVR - Intelemedia Communications
GTE AgentFax - IVR - Intelemedia Communications
Zig Ziglar - IVR - Intelemedia Communications
Click here for demo.
Stage |
Incorruptible - Martin - Circle Theatre
Honus & Me - Birdie - Dallas Children's Theatre
"Ebenezer Scrooge" (Since 1993) - Ebenezer Scrooge - Pocket Sandwich Theatre Unnecessary Farce - Agent Frank - Circle Theatre
Shakespeare For The Modern Man: Lesson 1 Macbeth - Narrator - ICT Mainstage
King O' The Moon - Walter - Circle Theatre
Caught In The Net - Stanley Gardner - Pocket Sandwich Theatre
Democracy - Ulrich Bauhaus - Theatre Three
It's A Scream! - Alexander Moreau - Pocket Sandwich Theatre
Communicating Doors - Reece Welles - Theatre Britain
"The Guys" - Nick Flanagan - The Labyrinth Theater
"A Buyer's Market" (U.S. Premiere) - Axel Vincent - Amphibian Productions
"Earth And Sky" - Carl Eisenstadt - Second Thought Theatre
"The Premature Corpse" - Evan Jorris - Pocket Sandwich Theatre
"Picasso at the Lapin Agile" - Freddy - Lulu Productions
"Run For Your Wife" - Stanley Gardner - Pocket Sandwich Theatre
"The Rainmaker" - H.C. - Act I Productions
"Werewolf of London" - Paul - Pocket Sandwich Theatre
"Everybody Loves Opal" - Sol - Pocket Sandwich Theatre
"The Dresser" - Sir - Actors Collective in Dallas
"The Boys Next Door" - Mr. Klemper - Pocket Sandwich Theatre
"Oleanna" - John (Guest Artist) - University of Texas at Dallas
Other Skills |
Juggling, computer networking, audio editing
Portfolio |